
Scale of Charges


Type of Project/ Services

Scope of Work & Services

Minimum fees/Reimbursable expenses

1. Comprehensive Architectural Services

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement including Site
Development but excluding Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design and Signage.

  1. Single Block Housing and sites upto 0.5 hectare : 5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.
  2. For a site more than 0.5 hectare and upto 2.5 hectares: 3.5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.
  3. For a site more than 2.5 hectares and upto 5 hectares : 2.5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.
  4. For a site more than 5 hectares : 2 Percent on the cost of works assigned.
  5. Individual House : 7.5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.

Note : The fees payable in marginal cases in respect
of clauses (iii) to (v) shall not be less than the
maximum fee payable in their respective preceding

1.2 All projects other than housing

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement including Site
Development but excluding Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design and Signage.

5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.

1.2.1 Repetition of the building in the same campus

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement including Site
Development but excluding Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design and Signage.

5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.

1.2.2 Repetition of the building in the same campus

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement except Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design & Signage and Site

2.5 percent on the cost of works assigned

1.2.3 Repetition of the building at a different site

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement except Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design & Signage and Site

3.5 percent on the cost of works assigned.

1.3 Site Development [except 1.1 and 1.2]

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement except Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design and Signage [except 
1.1 and 1.2].

2.5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.

1.4 Architectural Conservation/
Retrofitting/Additions  and alterations

As described for Comprehensive
Architectural Services in the Conditions
of Engagement except Landscape
Architecture, Interior Architecture,
Graphic Design and Signage.

7.5 Percent on the cost of works as

2. Urban Design

As described for Urban Design/ Urban
Renewal in the Conditions of

  • For all projects except Housing: 1 percent on the cost of works assigned, to be computed at a rate of Rs 6M per of proposed built-up area.
  • Housing Projects : 20 percent of the fee payable for housing, as stated in sub-clause 1.1 above, on the cost of works assigned, to be computed at a rate of Rs 6M per of proposed built-up area.
  • In case of Urban Renewal projects fee payable shall be 1.5 times of the fee stated above based on actual cost of works assigned.

Above fees are subject to a minimum of Rupees 240M.

3. Interior Architecture/Graphic design and signage

As described for Interior Architecture in
the Conditions of Engagement.

7.5 percent on the cost of works assigned

4. Landscape Architecture

As described for Landscape Architecture
in the Conditions of Engagement.

7.5 percent on the cost of works assigned

5. Site visits

Visits by an Architect/consultant in connection with Project for which commissioned.

  • Outstation Visit :

    Traveling, Boarding & Lodging Expenses

    For each day

  • Local site visit/field visit

Actual Air/ AC First Class Fare (to & fro), AC Car,
Boarding & Lodging Expenses and Local Transport.

Rs. 3M 

Rs. 1M

6. Advisory Consultancy

  • Outstation

  • Local

All as above at 5 i) (a) plus Rs. 10M per day or part
Rs. 4M per day or part thereof.

7. Documentation and Communication Charges

Applicable on all professional fee
payable to the Architect.

10 percent of the professional fees.

8. Verification and Certification of Contractor's Bills

Verification of Contractor's bills for 
payment, based on progress of works
at site, measurements of works Certified
by the Construction Manager
(i.e. Clerk of Works/ Site Supervisor
or Construction Management
Agency) and in accordance with
Conditions of Contract, Drawings
and instruction issued.

1 percent in addition to above fees.

Explanatory Notes:

For works costing upto Rs. 1400 M the professional fees may be negotiable between the Architect and the Client.
When an Architect is engaged to undertake Comprehensive Architectural Services in respect of buildings/ Site Development and/ or Landscape Architectural Services as a follow up of an Urban Design/ Urban Renewal Scheme, his professional fee for Comprehensive Architectural Services/ Landscape Architectural Services shall be reduced by 20%.
The current value of M is 1000.


P and M Creations Architect in Patna
311, PandM Creations, Patna One Mall,
New DakBunglow Road, Patna 800001

P and M Creations Architect in Gurgaon
108, Thikedaar.Com, DLF Star Mall, NH 8 Sector 30, Gurgram, Haryana 122002