Choosing the best architect for your dream Homes

Whenever we plan to build a home there are always some obstacles like the material cost, what will be the design, floor plan, structure details, etc. Definitely architects are the key person in building dream houses and so choosing the right and the best architect in your Town or India for your dream house can be a difficult task. So today we will be easing your Selection of architects for your dream homes. While selecting an architect first of all you need to verify your architect whether he/she is a qualified architect or not. Verification of an architect is very easy you just need to go to the council of architecture website and enter the Council registration number (CA number). Remember no architect can deny you to provide his council number. It is very essential to verify your architect before communicating with them any further. There are many quacks and underqualified or banned architects who are in the market carrying illegal titles and Styles of “Architect”.

Once you have verified your list of architects you need to ask them for work samples or what you can get. By that document itself, you will get a clear perspective of their professionalism and the quality of their work. Look for your type of project sizes if they have done it or not. Because it is not necessary that an architect who is doing big projects will be able to handle your dream house with that care. If your project is small, utilizing every sq. inch is mandatory so look for architects who have done projects of your project size and scale. Notice the detailing, quality, amount of architectural word, not the layout or floor plan or elevation because that will never match your expectation. It has been designed for someone else so this will never fit your requirement. It will be like trying shoes that are not as per your size and taste.

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The third thing you need to do is compare the charges, however council of architecture has fixed the scale of charges for Comprehensive architectural services, Interior Architecture, Landscape architecture, Structure designs, Housing design, Urban design, Site visits, Site development, Architectural Conservation, House remodeling and alteration, and other design services rendered by an architect. Have a payment schedule and scope of work in advance.

Dos and Dont’s in Selecting your Architect for your Construction and Design your Homes.

1. Verify your architect at Council of architecture website.
2. Match your size and scale of Project with portfolio sent by an architect.
3. Have a proper and transparent term of payment with scope of work.
4. Give them a proper appointment letter.

1.Do not select a quack or unregister architect.
2.Do not judge any architect on large scale projects.
3. Do not select architect who has not done/shown you project of your scale.
4.Do not go for much cheaper architects especially when your plot size is small as this requires a lot of effort and time so your projects might be compromised and you will know at a very later stage.
5.Do not start construction before having a 3d of your Building façade, all working and structure drawings in detail.

We believe now you are all set to select and choose right architect for design and construction of your dream home. Enjoy building and Constructing Its an experience.
Ar. Sujeet K Mishra

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